

Step by step
Mile upon mile
In the sun
Through sticky sweat
With thousands of other women
I will run strong
Though my nerves feel funny
I will run hard
Until the last step
The finish line I see
Arms raised up I shout
I did it
We all did it
For women
And against heart disease

*This is dedicated to all the amazing women running the first annual Chicago women’s half marathon and 5K, best wishes to us all*

29 responses »

    • Thank you. I made sure the post was schdeuled for a time when i was certain i would be done with the race lol. Will the pictures :). Yea a lot of powerful female runners. i was so proud of them and very impressed.

    • Thank you so much. I wrote it this morning before i left for the race :). I made sure the post was scheduled for a later time so that i would be done with the race before it goes live lol…yea it was great to run with other amazing women for a great cause.

  1. I’m too late to wish you luck! From your other post, it looks like you had such a fantastic time! You are truly an inspiration. Your girls must be so proud of you.

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