Tag Archives: poetry challenge

Blog On The Run- Reason2Rhyme


This week over at KarenB’s poetry challenge, we are to use a “new” word that has evolved in pop culture to write a poem. After many attempts at cracking my big head and brain…I settled on these two poems. (Yep, i know i am a complete show off…)I hope they work out well.

Please feel free to check out Karen’s site for more on this week prompt and challenge, participate if you like. As always comments, and constructive criticisms are welcome. Thank you, and have a lovely week! The poems are titled- BLOG ON THE RUN and EARLY MORNING ANNOYANCES’


Image courtesy of http://www.gogle.com

I blog as I jog
Many posts forming in my head

I blog as I run
Too many words
Letting loose somewhere in my head
I know I mustn’t forget them

So I jot in my iPod
As I jog along
All the while thinking of my blog…

How many unfinished poems
Short stories and posts now wait?

How many comments and likes
Will I get today?

Two addictions now my latest crazes
These days I have become
A blogger on the run

The blogosphere and pavement
My new homes


Image courtesy of http://www.google.com

Two early morning annoyances
The black birds chirping and tweeting
Outside my bedroom window

My sister walking in screaming
Our phones going beep beep beep
Her silly word twitirrific is trending…

She is gone viral
Like an infectious disease

Twitter is gone cuckoo birds crazy
Everyone is tweeting…

My Crazy Silly Straw


This poem was written for KarenB’s poetry challenge…please check out her site for more details.

I came up with what I think is a silly nonsense I like it very much poem :). As always please feel free to participate, kind and honest criticisms are welcome. Have a wonderful week and thank you.

Bendy bendy
Ziggy zaggy
Reddish yellow
Maybe neon
My crazy silly straw

Not worth much
In a pack of 24
Definitely worth less all by itself

Still I find you most useful
On days of sugar rush
And chilly drinks craving

Blowing air through you
Bubbles erupting
In my chilled summer time concoction
Colorfully whimsical like you

My crazy silly
Bendy bendy
Ziggy zaggy
Reddish yellow
I think it’s neon
Crazy silly straw

Reason 2 Rhyme Poetry Prompt – “Postcard Poem”


Another week of poetry poetry prompt challenge by KarenB, and this week’s prompt can be found on her blog. Please check it out and feel free to participate.

Write a poem in the disguise of a postcard message. Continue by writing a reply postcard message.

Keep the length brief, and give the recipient a sense of the place you’re visiting or the space you’re occupying. The location from which you write can be imagined or real. Alternatively, buy a postcard, and try to write a poem based on the image or photograph on the front of the postcard.

Inspired from a vacation in Brussels…Please feel free to critique kindly and comment. Thank you!

Image courtesy of http://www.uncrate.com

Hey Love,

Sipping cafe on Rue Du Midi
Brings back memories of our times here
Marble cake with Belgian chocolate drippings
Hot chocolate foam on my lips
Wishing you were here to take the pics
Or kiss them clean

All is well here
Except when it rains
I miss you more…

Love from
To: Room 501, Hotel Du Rennaisance

Miss you just as much
Lying here looking at pictures
From our time there together
Wishing I could hold you
Hear you
Feel you
Mostly see you…

It won’t be too long now
My flight arrives on the 13th
How is that for a surprise?

On my way to you my love
Can’t wait to see you

San Diego, CA

Blue Oceans Of Water- Reason 2 Rhyme – “Letter to the Landscape” poetry challenge/prompt


kbnelson’s Poetry Prompt… Monday, July 16, 2012 Reason 2 Rhyme – “Letter to the Landscape”This week’s prompt is: Write a letter to a landscape or scene you pass through today (or often). For example, “Dear Williamsburg Bridge…

This week, I thought about my recent visit to the beach. Honestly, I am not sure about this poem…I just wrote it about 10 minutes ago…I don’t know if it makes any sense 🙂 or if I expressed what I had in mind well. My brain is tired from a long weekend! As always criticisms are welcome…especially on this one. Thank you!

Here is Blue Oceans Of Water (Hoy, even the title is a disaster)

Image courtesy of http://www.google.com

Blue oceans of water
Waving back and forth
To the tidal winds
What strengths you must carry
What secrets you must hold
Your depth beyond understanding
Your width beyond vision

Say oceans of many waters
What lies beneath your power?
What tales have you seen or

Ships and boats
Many divers
The drowning
And drowned
Are they all you hold?

Perhaps more
Like pennies and nickels
From the young and wishful thinkers

Or bottled letters
From over the sea lovers
Reaching your shore
With none to recover it
After travelling several months…

The weathers changing and
Turning your tides
Causing you to freeze over time

Cold and frozen
You keep your strength under wraps

Lost Hope- Poetry Prompt Reason2Rhyme


kbnelson’s Poetry Prompt… Monday, July 9, 2012 Reason 2 Rhyme – “2+2=Poem”

Choose a poetry form that involves some kind of number requirement (a 5-7-5 syllable haiku, a Shakespearean sonnet with 14 lines/10 syllables per line, a couplet form with rhymed endings, a quatrain, or any other form where you must take numbers into account). Write on any topic of your choice, but be sure to pause and appreciate – or denigrate – the use of numbers in a poem!

I almost skipped this challenge…but since I am learning new things and trying to be better at this…I am giving this a shot. I encourage you to try this if you like. My take on this is a Tanka, a Japanese form of poetry with 5 lines and syllable counts 5-7-5-7-7. I wrote that like I know what I am talking about…No  I don’t…Thank God for dictionaries :). Poetry experts, please feel free to critique and analyze this(be kind about it). This is my first attempt at this form. Let’s hope it is not my last. Thank you!!! This is LOST HOPE.

On the blue beaches
Of the island Tahiti
I saw my lost love
Arm in arm with another
Hope for a second chance lost

* In other news…I still cannot post comments on your posts and blogs. WP is sending my comments to your spam box…I will keep commenting if I have anything to say…please feel free to check your spam box. I know I made comments on a few posts yesterday and on Saturday, and if anyone knows how I can rectify this, please let me know. Many thanks as always for all love and support. Have a lovely week*

Walking With Happiness- Poetry Prompt By Recton Poet


I was reading some blogs earlier in the day, and came across this prompt by Nicholas Gagnier of http://retconpoet.wordpress.com. I started working on it immediately, I usually don’t like to do challenges, no special reasons, my nerves just always get the best of me, but since I am looking to push myself in many ways; I decided to do this.

You can find the video and link- here. This is what I came up with, feel free to join if interested; see his blog above for more information. As always, please feel free to critique and analyze :). Thank you!!!

I walked on sunshine
In ‘95 when I was with him
It was great
But that was it

In the new millennium
I walked on water
I found faith
And embraced a new religion
But that was it

Now as I sit back
Watching the sun set
Over the glistening waters
Of Lake Michigan and
I can’t help but smile

I have had love
And faith
I now have life….

I picked a pebble
Tossed it up then down
I smiled again
My heart full
Glad and

Knowing I had found myself
I had embraced my truth

No longer scared
I now walk with myself
Walking with happiness