The House’s Secret- Friday Fictioneers 7/6


Every Wednesday visit Madison Wood’s site to see the picture prompt for the week’s 100-word writing challenge. Write a 100-word story or poem that’s inspired by the picture. Post the writing on your blog. On Friday post a link to your blog entry in the comments section of her Friday Fictioneers post.

This is what I came up with this week. A poem, it is less than the target 100 words (60 words), but hopefully I was able to capture the essence of the photo prompt as seen through my eyes and point of view.

As always feel free to join, comments and critiques are welcome. Thank You!

Who knows
What secret it houses?
This old and abandoned
Looking ruins

Not a peep or sound
In the broad and
Illuminating light of day


At night
When all is pitch black
Dark and deathly silent

Shadows creep about
And if you listen closely
A sound can be heard…

A little girl’s screams.

62 responses »

  1. Good night! Talk about chilling.

    I had a moment after taking care of my patient to stop it. What secrets are swirling around that place?

    • Oh thank you so much :). Hymn who knows these days, perhaps a little girl who has been missing for days, weeks. Perhaps her ghost considering the bastard who captured her killed her after days of torturing her…so many secrets hidden in many places

    • Me neither. I don’t think i ever saw the movie fully…only bits of it. I can’t do horror movies. Thanks so much for stopping by. Yours had an uplifting feel to it. It was very hopeful…yes that’s the word i was looking for when i was posting my comment on your page. Hopeful :). Great job!!!

    • Usually a blogger can nominate whomever they want and if the nominee chooses, they can accept and then follow the rules of the award and nominate other bloggers.
      Usually i think its bloggers that create them and then pass them along and someone it goes around.

    • Your comment even takes it further… yea i don’t like creepy but it was the best i could come up with this week. So are you Gian Carlo :). Thanks always

    • Oh Marian, thank you so much. I really didn’t know what to do with the photo prompt. I typically go with the first thing that comes to my mind, and it was this poem. Thanks a buch, have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Great imagery as set the reader sup and then quickly took them a surpirisingly scary place all in 60 words! Amazing! You got me with those last 4 terrible (wonderful for horror writers and fans) words.


    • Thank you so much. Glad it worked, I honestly didn’t know what to do with the prompt. Have a a great weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the paper marche story…will be by later to like and comment. Thanks always for sharing such uplifting and inspiring stories

    • Could you give me an example of how I would recommend a blogger-do I do it on my regular blog site, is there some link-as usual, I am still lost, boombie, I am learning a lot, but s l o w l y !! beebee

      • I am not sure i understand what you are trying to do. Recommend a blogger on your site? If yes, you can just click and copy their link…if not could you please clarify :). Been out all day, just getting to the laptop

      • Sorry-my question got separated from my original problem-I don’t know how to nominate someone for an award-I don’t see a place on my site to do it-I am not to good at “new” concepts, an example of what top write and where to write it would help-where did you find out how to nominate someone? How are you notified if you are nominated? Don’t worry if you don;t have time to deal with this-I get on this blog and it seems to take hours for answering, reading, etc. Im finding it difficult to find time to WRITE. It is nice to see my readership increasing. I have learned a lot and read the work of a lot of great writers! beebee

      • Oh you just nominate whomever you feel like from your followers. You will usually get a notification from whoever nominates you that links back to their blog on how to accept an award if you have been nominated.
        Check on your dashboard, there should be a link that says- blogs i follow. You can chooose people from there.
        Hope this makes sense and helps :). We are all still learning the ropes, so don’t worry about it 🙂

  3. As to the previous commenter’s suggestion, I disagree. I think the word “except” applies very well, because as you say at the end, if you listen closely, you can hear the sound of the screaming.

    Very interesting, haunting story.

    • Thank you so much. I just read it over again and I have to agree with you. The except there creates a smooth transition into the other part of the poem. Thanks so much.

  4. Ooh, very creepy, and great atmosphere. Sounds exactly like the kind of thing you’d tell kids around a camp fire, camping in the desert (but maybe that’s just me haha). nice one!

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