As Time Goes By-Friday Fictioneers 1/18/13


It is that time of the week again, Friday fictioneers par Ms. Rochelle, this week’s image is also courtesy of her. I am not at all sure about what I wrote…from the title to everything in between…my body and mind is on overdrive, but I really want to keep with this…Please feel free to comment and offer criticisms if you have any. As always you are more than welcome to join. THANK YOU ALWAYS FOR STOPPING BY!!!

Image courtesy of Rochelle

Image courtesy of Rochelle

“Mommy, I can’t find my crayons” Felicity yelled from the top of the stairs. “I bet grandpa has them again” she continued then muttered…

Joslyn, her young mother smiled as she walked towards the library in her father’s mansion…ever since the divorce she had moved back in with her aged father. She found him sitting at his old oak desk, back bent from days and tales of old…there on the desk as her daughter had suggested were the crayons along with a picture of her father and items of sentimental worth…

Joslyn paused for a moment…Father wasn’t moving

As time goes by
The ones we love fade away
Sweet memories and images
Forever imprinted on our minds
Like paintings from of old
Cherished items and photos
Sometimes the only reminders
They were ever here

70 responses »

  1. so sad and powerful, I wish families lived together like days of long ago, I grew up with my granparents but we always had an aunt or uncle living with us. I think it makes for stronger familyunit. Grea piece Boomie enjoyed it! ((xx))

    • Thank you so much…yes we had people living with us too, like cousins and aunts…though i didn’t like it much then i must confess lol…i my defense i was a little girl and times were hard :).

      Thanks so much for reading always

  2. Dear Boomie,
    You did fine with the prompt. The operative word is prompt. What does the photo inspire you to write? Not how can I incorporate everything in the picture into a hundred words.
    Well done, my friend. I particularly loved the poem.

    • Thank you so much. I am learning that now, and this has really helped my creative thoughts and process…and the confidence is getting better too, i think :). Thanks so much, this continues to be a fun and inspiring experience

    • Oh i am glad you mentioned looking into photos…lately i have been looking at my mom’s picture and it;s amazing how she can look so alive in it, and yet she is no more. I wouldn’t mind reading the piece you wrote, if you could please share the link.

      Thank you, i always have a great and heartfelt laugh when i read your fictioneer stories

  3. a very sad, very real story… very real for me coz i know what it feels like, to arrive a ;ittle too late and find my father, well… not moving. very well-written tale

  4. This made me think of my grandfather, who died before I turned 2. You stirred so many emotions with so few words – I think you need to give yourself more credit that you do. Uncertainty is always part of the creative process but you have these challenges well in hand.

    • Sending hugs and love sis. I honestly wasn’t sure what i was going to write about even as i continued to type, and then i contemplated if it made sense…

      Thanks so much for reading.

  5. My son is in grad school and feels bad that he still lives at home. We had a conversation recently about multi-generations living under the same roof. I think we miss a lot in our society by not having our elders influence on our children’s lives. Elders need to feel needed as well. Oh, watch me go on and on atop my soapbox. I love your story. Obviously it gave me a strong reaction. I long for a time like the Waltons.

    • I agree with you. When i was younger i know my grandma stayed with us for a while, and then we had cousins and such that lived with us…now my siblings and i pass my dad around as much as we can so he can be a part of his grand children’s lives, and like you said influence them.

      It amazed me when i told a friend my father was going to stay with me for 6 months or longer, she asked why…and i didn’t quite understand her :).

      Thanks so much for reading and for this in depth comment

  6. A sweet, sad story. I wonder if simply ‘after’ would work better than ‘ever since’? To me ‘ever since’ suggests something that happens often, but she only moved in once after the divorce. Just a thought.

  7. Sad. My hopes is that she enjoyed the time spent with her dad. Everything happens for a reason. Being with his daughter and grand may have brought him such pleasure before moving on. Very well written.

  8. then muttered under her breath… i think the only way one can mutter IS under one’s breath. so you can save a few words by stopping at “muttered.” a lovely story.

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