Meeting Place- Friday Fictioneers 11/2


Happy new month! May it be a great and safe one. Friday fictioneers courtesy of our new host Rochelle is on, and this week’s photo is from Ted Strutz. I had a tough time thinking of something for this prompt, hopefully this week’s offering is good enough. Comments and constructive criticisms are welcome, and please feel free to join in and participate. THANK YOU!

Image courtesy of Ted Strutz

It was the only time they could meet. After months of talking on the phone, Daphne was excited to see Connor, the man who had charmed her in college, again. It had been 7 years but he found her thanks to her cousin, Amanda’s Facebook photos. Now they were going to meet at the night market in her town.

Checking her make up one last time, Daphne walked towards the market…the weather and evening’s darkness was just right. Her husband, Pete was working late…everything seemed oddly in her favor. Strolling steadily towards the stalls, Daphne stopped dead in her tracks…

She recognized the silhouette…even worse the other’s…Pete, and her cousin, Amanda…holding hands…

102 responses »

  1. Great write!
    What a disappointment when things like this really happen though. I know – people are human…make mistakes…blah, blah, blah. But – I just don’t get deceit in relationships.

    • I know and i feel you. Not to excuse it, sometimes i guess people get caught up in whatever difficulties they might be having in their relationships and think comfort with another albeit deceitful is best…

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  3. Cute little story you’ve got here, as usual from you…
    But, i think Amanda isn’t appropriate in the second character…maybe another person should be used.
    Again, i was expecting that Connor would be one and the same with Pete [even though, it is improbable that she had lived with Pete this long without knowing so, but i still wished it nevertheless] *disappointed* but i enjoyed the pace especially the second paragraph

  4. Linda, I was just about to write, “Oh, what a tangled web we weave…” But wait, I did write that. You finished the quote. I’m wondering why Daphne’s taken aback if she’s there to meet someone other than her husband for something that doesn’t sound innocent. “What’s sauce for the goose…”, to pull in another quote.

  5. This made me smile. It makes sense that if she feels the need for more excitement, then he probably does too. Maybe they’ll just laugh it all off? Unfortunately though, probably not.

    • Yea it will be a miracle if they laughed it off, but i am thinking Pete has probably been seeing Amanda for a while…but on the good side, it might be the wake up call that they both need. Thanks so much for stopping by

    • Oh hopefully run back to the car and find a way to fix everything or she might be running back to the car only to bump into Connor. All too excited to see her, he screams her name lol…

      Thanks so much for stopping by

    • I know, there will be majo drama, even though she was up to no good herself, but if she is cunny she can say she went shopping or was following him lol. Thanks so much.

      A fine and well done tribute you did with this week’s post. I love it

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