Tag Archives: community

My Grateful Thankful Heart


There is no doubt in my mind, that I am a loved girl. The wonderful messages of support and love I received following my mini meltdown last Saturday has done more than I could have ever expected or asked for.

I wrote just to ease my mind but your comments, messages,and words of encouragement did more than ease my mind, they lifted my spirits and made me truly thankful. I find myself going back to read the comments, and I cannot tell you enough how truly blessed I am to have you all in my life. THANK YOU!!!

I am truly honored to be a part of this wonderful community and I am genuinely humbled to be friends with such amazing, generous, and kind people. My heart will be forever grateful, thanks so much for making me feel better.

A big shout out to all who have followed and visited my blog in the past few weeks. I am hoping to stop by your blogs soon, and also get back to writing. Many thanks.

God bless!!!

What Can I Say But Thanks…


Image courtesy of http://www.bridalbuds.com

What can I say really but thanks…?

Today was a wonderful day for my dad many thanks to awesome people like you, who wrote the nicest messages in my comment section. He read them earlier in the day, and was thoroughly overwhelmed. In his words “I have made him quite famous on his birthday…” he enjoyed reading them, and was all smiles the whole day.

He had another wonderful birthday this year, thanks to God and you all. A special thanks to everyone who called, sent messages via every possible mode, wonderful bloggers who liked the birthday post, and sent wishes. God bless and honor you all immensely.

My dad had a lovely birthday not just because he told me, but I saw the excitement all over his face and after a quiet dinner, he said a prayer for us from the depths of his heart. He said a prayer for you all as well, and in his effort to show more appreciation; he asked that I convey his heartfelt gratitude to all my friends “say me well, and thanks to them all please” he said. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH AND GOD BLESS!!!

I will get to all the kind comments as soon as possible…been a long day, and tomorrow Lord willing is going to be longer…but I will get to them all.

Many thanks!!!

My Honest and Only Response


Funny how time flies, when you are having fun. It feels only like yesterday, I was writing my post for the 1st day in August, and now September is almost here…

I know I do this very often, but where I come from; gratitude is a big deal…my people often say “If you know how to think properly, you would know how to be thankful.”

I sit here quietly
Thoughts of your kindness and generoustiy
Overwhelming my humble heart
Gratitude and sincere appreciation
My honest and only response”

Many thanks to all who read this blog wherever you are, a big shout out to all who follow me here, on twitter, via facebook, by email…and any other possible way. I also appreciate your playing along with me on Le Clown’s blogroll contest.

It’s amazing that people are interested in what I have to say or write. Sure means a lot to me. THANK YOU!

Here’s hoping our exchanges and friendships only get better with time. As always I wish you and yours nothing but loveliness, hoping September brings more blessings than you can imagine.

Stay lovely, stay thankful…there is a reason why you are still around, make it count for good.

Much Love

Be Right Back


I couldn’t find a better title so I am going with this. In a few hours, Lord willing I will be out of here for what I am hoping is a very restful and sleep filled vacation. My fingers are crossed for the rest and sleep part.

Thank you all so much for the joyful ride thus far, and while I will miss you all so much…I am leaving you in the very capable hands of some amazing writers, who so generously offered to share their works with you while I am away. A big thank you to them all. While it is “easy” to write on your own blog…doing it on someone else’s is not the easiest in my opinion, but these kind people have stepped outside of their own great blogs to add their works to mine.

Please in the coming days, I kindly ask, that you stop by here read their works, and interact with them. They would be happy to hear from you. Even better please take it one step further by visiting their own blogs, they have truly interesting posts and great posts. They are all so different and uniquely talented…one of them even has a book on Amazon, so if you have an extra 99cents to spare please support the book after you are done reading the blog post (I wasn’t asked to do this), but this is such a supportive community, so please extend that to all these writers. One of them is also fairly new on WordPress…you know you have to show her love WordPress style :).

My adopted twin sister is also guest blogging…bet you didn’t know I had one…well, you would have to read her work to find out who it is :). Even one of the most awesome bloggers ever is showing up…Please support each and everyone of them as I am sure they would you.

Thank you all so much! I will miss you all, but rest assured you are all in great hands; and I would be back before you can finish reading the guest writers’ blogs.

I tried to leave you with a wonderful poem…but truth is I am tired. Been a long week and night…not that kind of night people LOL. So instead I am sharing a poem that I posted a while back…it is one of my favorites. I hope you like it.

Have a lovely weekend, and a great week!

Mucho Love… here is “Big Words

I could never use those words
They seem so big
And out of reach
For a lowly girl like me

What do I know of words like?
And other highfalutin
And lah-de-dah words

What do I know of big words?
What do I know of any words?

I am just a plain-vanilla
A product of British colonization
And a very Anglophone father
Who never said lazy but rather sloth
And every time he said that
I thought he meant slut…

What then do I know of big words?
When I could never tell when it’s
Sloth or slut

*Please don’t forget to check out TBA later today for the big reveal of the real story behind our picture and writing collaboration from yesterday. Thank you!!!*

Sunshine Award


I have been nominated for the Sunshine Award by http://blessedwithastarontheforehead.wordpress.com/

Thank you so much! Yay me!!!

Rules to Accept the Award:

1) Include the award logo in a post or somewhere on your blog.

2) Answer 10 questions about yourself.

3) Nominate 10 to 12 other fabulous bloggers.

4) Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blog, letting them know about the award.

5) Share the love and link the person who nominated you. http://blessedwithastarontheforehead.wordpress.com/

Answers to the Ten Questions About Me:

1. What is a favorite childhood memory?

Being in a dance, drama, and entertainment club with my adopted sisters- We called it The Golden Girls Club

2. What is a real fear you have?

Not fulfilling my purpose

3. How would you describe yourself?

Generous, Atypical

4. What states have you lived in?

Lagos(Nigeria), Illinois (USA)

5. What is your style?


6. What is your favorite breakfast food?

Breadsmith’s 100% whole wheat bread toasted with butter

7. What are some of your hobbies?

Reading, cooking, shopping

8. If you could tell people anything…what would be the most important thing to say?

Life is too short, make the most of it

9. What is one of your “passions”?


10. What is one truth that you have learned?

It’s tough being an adult…growing up SUCKS!!!

Here are my 10-12 nominees. Amazing blogs that inspire and support me always. Thanks again for this award, I could get used to this :).

1. www.sharingmemyselfandi.wordpress.com

2. www.walktheline85.wordpress.com

3. www.readinpleasure.wordpress.com

4. www.clintonspel.wordpress.com

5. www.mamacravings.wordpress.com

6. www.happinessisnotadisease.wordpress.com

7. www.niftitalks.wordpress.com

8. www.thedailyinquisition.wordpress.com

9. www.seventhvoice.wordpress.com

10. www.simonsworlds13.wordpress.com

11. www.myownheart.net

12. http://irishabh.wordpress.com/

As always, thanks for the constant and continued support. Special shout out to all the bloggers who follow me, and the ones I follow, keep uo the great work. Have a lovely weekend!!!
Gratitude, love, and hugs
Boomie Bol