Tag Archives: support

Love And Awards Overflow


Over the past week or so, I have been nominated for some wonderful awards by some generous and amazing writers. I have been meaning to get to them, but these things pile up and then they become so hard to keep up with, this past week has also been a rough and tough one. Nevertheless I am very grateful for all the nominations, and that you would think of me and my corner here. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!

There are so many amazing people on here, and the fact that I come to your mind as you are working on these awards is very generous and kind. There are so many of you to thank for this, and you all know who you are; so please accept my appreciation and gratitude. I especially would like to thank Ispider for the very kind words used when describing my blog…”There’s an undertone of real joy to this blog” I was very moved by those words even more so since I had be plagued by insecurities all day, that particular day.

I really do write with so much joy in my heart even if I am writing about the plagues of third world nations, the hardships of life, or those naughty Sunday night shenanigans. For anyone to feel that joy through this platform, blows my mind to sparkly little pieces…thank you all so much.

I remain ever appreciative of all the love and frienships I have built on here…it’s great to have a commnunity that supports, and inspires. I am fortunate I get to write all these things, and that you enjoy them for the most part. The nominations, and awards are like icing on an already yummy good cake. Muchos gracias!

Here’s hoping you all have a lovely Sunday and a very wonderful safe and healthy week. I am off to church…my dirty  creative mind is already off to a naughty start.

Much Love

Follow me to a place
a place of passion
and pleasure

Of joy
And delight

A place of oohs
And aahs

Where deep moans meet
And greet
Soft and whispered
tender moans

While more
And more
is on the tip of the tongue

Follow me to a place
of pleasure
And delight

A place like no other
Of lust and desire

A place
where only we know

Nothing…I Think Except This


I don’t think my heart is in a sharing mood this morning. I have searched through my notes to see if there is anything I want to share, but somehow I am not connecting to anything this morning.

So instead I am going to do a shameless plug. I was going to do it last night but I try not to bombard you with many posts I was too tired, and slept off. Please know that I wasn’t asked to do this, and Nicole doesn’t even know that I am doing it. Now, you are wondering who Nicole is…

She is my friend, a fellow wordpress writer, author of Naked Desires, and an all round lovely woman. Her older brother entered her in a contest and she needs votes…my votes, your votes. Here is the jist of the whole contest, copied from Nicole’s blog-

* many of you know, I am a caregiver for my 83 year old mother who is living with Alzheimer’s Disease. My brother entered me in a Caregiver Cruise Giveaway Contest sponsored by Home Instead Senior Care. I need your VOTES so I can win the cruise, a Kindle Fire, a video camera AND up to 40 hours of in-home non-medical care for Mom.

Vote here

Remember, you can return up to once a day to vote during the Contest Period (July 15, 2012 through September 15, 2012).  Please help spread the link on facebook, Twitter, to your friends.  You can vote TWICE a day if you use your cell phone AND computer! *

I know there is nothing in it for anyone of us, but we all know that helping to see other people’s dreams come true is a huge act of kindness, so please reach in your kind hearts, vote, and spread the word.

Thank you so much and sorry my heart is not connecting to poems, poetry or stories this morning, but honestly I think this is even better than any sex laced poem I might have shared…woouldn’t you agree?

Have a lovely day people, and please don’t forget to VOTE for Nicole till September 15th. Thank you all so much, and when we finally meet, remember coffee or tea is on me :).

Much Love


Awards, Make A Difference Monday, And A Shameless Plug


Image Courtesy of http://www.google.com

Over the past few weeks and even more so today, I have been nominated for so many awards it’s hard to keep up. However it would be most ungrateful of me if I didn’t acknowledge the nominations and show gratitude to the wonderful people who considered me for such honors.

Thank you all so much for thinking of me and sharing the awards from inspiring blog award to versatile award, lovely blog award, a sisterhood award, kreative award, and many more. I am truly thankful. Reading my posts, and taking time to comment is more award and honor than I could ever ask for, then you give me these awards and that is like icing on an already great cake…yummy goodness it is. Much gratitude to you all.

I was going to do this post yesterday, but didn’t want to miss Karen’s poetry challenge, and didn’t want to bombard you with many posts in a day…doesn’t count now, considering this is my 2nd today…Excuse me!!! Just wouldn’t want to carry the awards appreciation and acceptance into a new month. I have already let them linger too long.

One of my favorite radio stations, the only one I listen to in my car- #KLOVE 94.3 do  make a difference Monday where listeners are aksed to do something for someone else…nothing major…nothing minor, just something that counts.

It could be

1. Giving a stranger an honest and sincere smile

2. Paying for the person behind you on the drive-thru line

3. Helping someone in need

General great stuff like that, and I just wanted to share it with you all…since you are all so nice and kind people. I figured we could all make a difference in our neighborhoods and communities around the world and for a few minutes, do something good.

While trying to figure out what to do, I heard on the news that groupon has a deal for CPS (Chicago Public Schools) where for $11 bucks you can help a child get school supplies for a year and for $18, a back pack is included. What better way to make a difference than in the lives of a young child…if you are interested please check this site. You don’t have to but if you can please don’t hesistate. Thank you!

Books are great to read and I know this groupon deal will provide a few of that for the kids, but for many of us they are also great to write. Some of us  (Me) will be so fortunate to have books published, and actually bought and read by people…God knows for me that would be my dream come true…top it off with speaking or reading gigs around the world and I would be the happiest girl on earth…now whether anyone would pay to buy my books or come to hear me speak is up for debate; still a chic can dream.

Anyhow what I am getting at is this-plugging some books by writers I have come accross on wordpress. Please note they haven’t asked me to do this and don’t even know that I am doing it…so rest assured I am not making any money from it. One of them doesn’t even follow my blog so would never know I did this…but I enjoyed reading the book and wanted to share and hopefully you all can support.

They are mostly e-books and go for around .99cents…please support them if you can.

1.Mean- Spirited Tales By Sandee Harris

2. Poetry of a madman by Jason Alan

3. Between Fear and Love SELF-WORTH: The Tie That Binds by Lauren Cropper

4. Nine Black Lives by Resa McConaghy

5. Fright Night, written under the pen name Brandon Scott  By Adam Ickes

I have read 2 of them and just started Lauren’s…they are great reads.

Thank you for reading always. Have a safe happy and very healthy August. Make it count!!!

Much Love

Be Right Back


I couldn’t find a better title so I am going with this. In a few hours, Lord willing I will be out of here for what I am hoping is a very restful and sleep filled vacation. My fingers are crossed for the rest and sleep part.

Thank you all so much for the joyful ride thus far, and while I will miss you all so much…I am leaving you in the very capable hands of some amazing writers, who so generously offered to share their works with you while I am away. A big thank you to them all. While it is “easy” to write on your own blog…doing it on someone else’s is not the easiest in my opinion, but these kind people have stepped outside of their own great blogs to add their works to mine.

Please in the coming days, I kindly ask, that you stop by here read their works, and interact with them. They would be happy to hear from you. Even better please take it one step further by visiting their own blogs, they have truly interesting posts and great posts. They are all so different and uniquely talented…one of them even has a book on Amazon, so if you have an extra 99cents to spare please support the book after you are done reading the blog post (I wasn’t asked to do this), but this is such a supportive community, so please extend that to all these writers. One of them is also fairly new on WordPress…you know you have to show her love WordPress style :).

My adopted twin sister is also guest blogging…bet you didn’t know I had one…well, you would have to read her work to find out who it is :). Even one of the most awesome bloggers ever is showing up…Please support each and everyone of them as I am sure they would you.

Thank you all so much! I will miss you all, but rest assured you are all in great hands; and I would be back before you can finish reading the guest writers’ blogs.

I tried to leave you with a wonderful poem…but truth is I am tired. Been a long week and night…not that kind of night people LOL. So instead I am sharing a poem that I posted a while back…it is one of my favorites. I hope you like it.

Have a lovely weekend, and a great week!

Mucho Love… here is “Big Words

I could never use those words
They seem so big
And out of reach
For a lowly girl like me

What do I know of words like?
And other highfalutin
And lah-de-dah words

What do I know of big words?
What do I know of any words?

I am just a plain-vanilla
A product of British colonization
And a very Anglophone father
Who never said lazy but rather sloth
And every time he said that
I thought he meant slut…

What then do I know of big words?
When I could never tell when it’s
Sloth or slut

*Please don’t forget to check out TBA later today for the big reveal of the real story behind our picture and writing collaboration from yesterday. Thank you!!!*

Of Gratitude, Awards, WordPress, And A Random Poem


They say time flies…and it is absolutely true. It seems like just yesterday I was writing my post for the 1st of June, and now June has come to an end. Thank God!

What an amazing journey this continues to be, an amazing journey of personal growth, self-discovery, and improvement. I am no doubt glad that I succumbed to my inner being and started blogging.

Thank you all so much again for the continued support, likes, critiques, comments, follows, retweets, referrals and just general show of love. I am humbled, overwhelmed, and remain deeply grateful. I often tell myself if the real world was like wordpress, what a better world we would be living in.

Over the past weeks, I have been given some awards but let it linger too long and forgot to acknowledge them on my blog. I apologize to all who gave them to me- David, Camgal, and theforgottenwife. I will try to get to them ASAP! But if ever I don’t, please know that I am grateful and honored that you would consider me awards worthy.

My heart remains in a state of delight and pure joy when I think about what writing does for me…I am glad I get to share it with you all…I am glad my heart has found its very joyful place.

Finally, wordpress has been acting all kooky lately, I am not getting posts from some bloggers I follow…and my reader button is not working. Can anyone help with this? I hope I am not alone in this. There is strength in numbers :). So if I haven’t been by your blog lately and you have been posting, I am not ignoring your posts, I probably am not getting them…

Thank you all again so much, and I pray July is an amazing month for you and yours on every account. God bless!

Here is a very random poem to show my appreciation…it is not great, bear with me, but it is straight from my heart :).

Between the many likes
Comments critiques
And many followers
My heart is overwhelmed
Flowing with passion
Oozing with love
Thankful for this outlet
I am glad to share this talent.

Reader Appreciation Award


Reader Appreciation Award

I’ve been nominated for the Reader Appreciation Award by: http://gladiuspoeticus.wordpress.com. You have to check him out, he write in English and Dutch I believe. Great stuff always. Thank you again and again for all these kind awards…a bit overwhelming :).

How It Works:

1. Include the award logo somewhere in your blog.

2. Answer these 10 questions, below, for fun if you want to.

3. Nominate 10 to 12 blogs you enjoy. Or you pick the number.

4. Pay the love forward: Provide your nominee’s link in your post and comment on their blog to let them know they’ve been included and invited to participate.

5. Pay the love back with gratitude and a link to the blogger(s) who nominated you.

The Questions…

  • What is your favourite colour? Depends…been known to like blue, black, gray and purple
  • What is your favourite animal? Dogs
  • What is your favourite non-alcoholic drink? Coke Zero
  • Facebook or Twitter? Don’t know honestly…don’t care
  • Favorite pattern? Polka Dots
  • Do you prefer getting or giving presents? Giving.
  • Favorite number? 1
  • Favorite day of the week? Sunday (wink, wink)
  • Favorite flower? I know nothing about flowers…but I liked the ones from a friend’s recent wedding…Calla lillies I think 🙂
  • What is your passion? Writing

Thank you again so much for this nomination http://www.gladiuspoeticus.wordpress.com, and it is a pleasure reading all the amazing posts from blogs I follow and come across. Keep up the great work!

Here are the nominees:

1. http://decumminspoetry.wordpress.com/

2. http://professionsforpeace.com/

3. http://rosedeny.wordpress.com/

4. http://kiramorrescloset.wordpress.com/

5. http://subhanzein.wordpress.com/

6. http://nutsfortreasure.wordpress.com/

7. http://autumnsunshineandgabrielleangel.wordpress.com/

8. http://discoveranddevour.com/

9. http://iamrahulashok.wordpress.com/

10. http://poeticlicensee.wordpress.com/

11. http://rurlink.wordpress.com/

Thank you all again so much,  I have so many amazing and dedicated readers but I don’t know if you all do these award things…still I am very thankful to you all for always stopping by to read.

It’s great to write all the things I post, and it’s even more humbling to have people who read them. Thank you all so much. Have a lovely evening and a very relaxing safe weekend.


Boomie Bol

Tell Me About Yourself Award


Tell Me About Yourself Award

On the 23rd May 2012, Ferdinand Morvay from http:http://www.padroitly.wordpress.com presented me with the ‘Tell Me About Yourself Award’. A new follower on my blog, I thought it was mighty kind of him. I am sure you all know the works of (in my opinion) the Haiku god- Five Reflections. Well if he is the Haiku god, Ferdinand of www.padroitly.wordpress.com is the Haiku prince…just check him out. He’s got good stuff I promise. Thanks again Ferdinand, I appreciate this award.

Quick shout out to all who follow, read, like, comment, reblog, retweet and show love. I am very grateful, thanks a bunch for your continued support.

There are only a few simple rules to accepting this award:

1. Thank the person that nominated you (hello) and provide a link back to their blog.

2. Tell the world 7 things about yourself that you have not yet shared.

3. Nominate 7 fellow bloggers and let them know.

So, here are seven things about myself which I have not yet shared:

1. I love music…any kind of music especially neo-soul. Playing Sade’s Ordinary Love as I am working on this.

2. I enjoy the art of fine cuisine and food.

3. I have no political aspirations, but I am passionate with a capital P about Nigeria, and Africa. I believe strongly that there would be a revolution that ignites change. I hope it happens soon.

4. I like being alone.

5. I enjoy meeting people, however I am terrible at staying in touch. Not intentional, I just don’t like talking on the phone. Working on changing that soon…

6. I read about a poet on another blog yesterday (Brook Blander) and she’s an embodiment of what I desire…if you are interested check her out on www.wasialife.wordpress.com.

7. I am impressed by people who can paint, draw, take great pictures. I admire people who pursue their passions fearlessly…I hope I can be one of them someday.

Here are the seven blogs that I am nominating. Please stop by and visit them if you can.

1. http://www.sharingmemyselfandi.wordpress.com

2. http://www.niftitalks.wordpress.com

3. http://themendingverse.com/

4. http://discoveranddevour.com/

5. http://1800ukillme.wordpress.com/

6. http://wasialife.wordpress.com/

7. http://readinpleasure.wordpress.com/

8. http://walktheline85.wordpress.com/

Ok, so I nominated 8… well, I like the number 8. I just realised every one I nominated is a female…Next time my gentlemen followers :). Thank again Ferdinand. Please be sure to stop by his blog at http://padroitly.wordpress.com/

And now back to my music- I can hear Bob Marley’s jammin calling my name. Have a lovely evening!!! God bless

Boomie Bol

The Blissful Adventurer


I bet everyone is doing great today…I really do hope so, been catching up on blogs and posts…so much talent out there. So, today I was checking my emails and trying to catch up on all the amazing blogs I follow as usual, when I saw a post that looked all too familiar…

I clicked on the post to read it, and lo and behold…it was a poem written by me. Apparently, my poem is the featured post on the blissful adventurer’s blog today.

Michael Housewright, author of www.blissfuladventurer.wordpress.com is out enjoying Italy with his lovely wife, and had been sending me emails via his good friend Annie to inform me of the post but I didn’t see the mails…too many emails or more like too many email addresses  :).

I had written the poem, when Michael posted something about coffee on his blog and I commented on inspiration to write something, and he offered to critique it for me, and so I sent him an email and he went over it and asked me to work on it  some more…

So the poem is featured on his very amazing blog today; if you don’t follow or know of  his blog already, and you have some free time, I urge you to check his stuff out. He has some amazing pictures and many tales of his trips around the world…one of his posts about Hong Kong was even freshly pressed about a month ago, and the blissful adventurer is just really an all-round nice guy.

I am humbled that my poem is worthy enough to be featured on his blog… I am even so much more humbled and happy that this caught me unawares…because if I had known ahead of time, I would have been editing and restricting and just making a mess of it all…so this poem is my very unedited poem…no make ups or fancy paddings…and for Michael to use it makes my heart appreciative. I must say I really like the poem.

Please stop by his blog at http://www.blissfuladventurer.wordpress.com and experience his amazing work. You wouldn’t be disappointed I assure you .

Thank you again the blissful adventurer, I am sure you are having a blissful time in Italy and will be back with many great tales…

Thank you all for taking time to read this blog and the blissful adventurer’s… Have a lovely day!!!

Boomie Bol

Beautiful Blogger Award : I Think I Have Been Spoilt



“Not what we give, But what we share, For the gift without the giver Is bare!”

Yorùbá elders say that “If you know how to think, you will know to be thankful” That was my state of mind, when I got this award nomination from the lovely and generous Rose, author of www.aquaturtleme.wordpress.com. Please check her lovely posts out whenever you can. Thank you Rose :)!!! Big hugs.

I am going to sneak a note of gratitude in here, I am so thankful for all the love and continued support. The “wanna-be” writer in me is beyond grateful. I have said many times, I started this with no expectations, and to say I have been overwhelmed with joy is an understatement.

I didn’t know a community like this existed, I always thought blogging was for journalists, ad serious articles…boy, has wordpress and all your kind people opened my eyes. Thank you for being generous with your time, comments, and heartfelt support.

Big shout out to all who follow via wordpress, twitter, email, facebook, and other medium…I love and appreciate you all. Till we get to meet, accept my sincere gratitude and appreciation.

Hugs and Love…

As always here are the rules of engagement :

Thank and Link-back to your nominator;

~Nominate 7, 6, or fewer (or more) other blogs that you enjoy to receive this award as well;

~Post a comment on each of your nominees blogs with a link to your page for the details;

~Paste the Award image somewhere on your blog, if so desired;

~And, continue blogging all your beautiful thoughts, suggestions, and musings. More readers are coming!

I wish I could just give this to all my followers, and all the blogs I follow…Please know that your work is appreciated by me, and all your works and efforts to share are highly appreciated by me.

Here are the nominees:
1. http://http://camwrites.wordpress.com/


3. http://http://blessedwithastarontheforehead.wordpress.com/

4. http://sassyishellonheels.wordpress.com/

5. http://http://ravenousforlife.wordpress.com/

6. http://http://missayodele.com/

7. http://happinessisnotadisease.wordpress.com/

8. http://http://poeticlicensee.wordpress.com/

9. http://rawmultimedia.wordpress.com/

10. http://resamcconaghy.com/

Thank you again Rose of www.aquaturtleme.wordpress.com, and to all of the wordpress family who continue to show love and support, you guys have spoilt me silly.

Thank you all so very much.

More hugs :)!!!

Like, Coment, Follow


Lately, I have come across a bunch of posts and comments about liking and commenting on posts, I read a nice one yesterday by Randall Dean Scott, http://www.randalldeanscott.wordpress.com check it out if you can. I also read a comment last week about liking a post and not getting a like back. And these thoughts came to my mind and I decided to share.

I must say that I, like many other artists and writers seek support and validation. To have someone tell me “my work is amazing,” give me a nudge to keep up the good work. I think it is human nature, but does it really matter if I get that or not?

It’s great to get good support, feedback, constructive criticism and all that but should that be the deciding factor in our work or is it the reason why we write and post the things we do? Or better yet should we let it bother us as much as it does?

Some of my supposed “closest” friends have never been on my blog and does it suck? Yea!!! Do I care? Honestly NO, not anymore… For the small lot of them that hasn’t read or visited my blog, I have been blessed with thousands more that have.

And on the issue of “likes and comments;” if I like a blogger’s post and comment and he or she doesn’t do the same, is that reason to be bothered? Honestly, I don’t think so and I don’t see the big deal. I like or comment because I have a response, not because I want them to come over to mine. I choose to follow blogs because I choose to and offer my support as best as I can but I don’t do it to have them come over my blog or follow me. If they do great, if not; all is still very right with the world.

I come across new blogs while reading other people’s blogs and I click their links, read, like and/ or comment, even follow if I choose. I don’t do it for them to come over to my place, and often times they don’t. I still follow, read, and support. Would it be great to have them return the gesture, yes but that’s not my reason for following, and it’s not why I am on this forum.

As Randall said in his post we all write for different reasons and yes we are sensitive to our craft but we must find inspiration within ourselves to keep at it. Like, comment or not! Writers and artists in general can be too modest to the point of insecurity, a big example ME. But even I know there are times I am writing poems and stuff and I tell myself damn! this is good, then I post and the response is low, and my heart sinks but then I remember my sister’s words “you have to believe in yourself, and your work. It’s not a popularity contest.” And I get back to doing what I need to be doing.

We all write for different reasons, and must never lose sight of that. I know why I write and why I chose to put myself out here like this, and I can honestly say that I have achieved 75% of that reason. For me to be able to come to the point where I can write a post like this and actually mean it…yep indeed I am finding myself, and I like it.

So amazing bloggers of wordpress don’t let the “like button or comment box” deter you from the real deal. Remember the real reason you put your pen to the pad or type away at the keypad and let that be your motivation and validation. And if many likes and comments accompany that, then all well and good.

And with anything in life really- “forget the validation, keep at your craft.”

Best wishes…