Tag Archives: tanka

Write A Poem With You In Mind

I wonder if it would be OK if I asked for your name
After this one slow dance
So at night when all is quiet and dark
I can write a soft spoken poem with you in mind

A haiku or Tanka of sorts will be great for starts
But 5-7-5…with added syllables of 7-7 wouldn’t do
This brief moment of our souls meeting square
Holding a lifetime so intense and wildly bare

A Collection Of Short Poem VII



Every child is capable
Lovingly birthed with potential


Stringing moments
Like fine pearls
We spend time as one
Daily building for them
A centered foundation


Her dimples of joy turn inward
Every happy chance she gets
Love dancing in her big brown eyes
Buttered toast, mommy, or biscuits on her mind


The colors of love
Are the colors of their hearts
Displayed brightly
When they flash their pearly whites


This laughter
Alarming giggles
Ringing gratitude in my ears
My heart beating back to life
Life, worries, bills, and chaos momentarily gone

Saturday morning fun
Has just begun


Two happy laughs tickling my essence
Tiny hands embracing my all
High fives, nighty night, sweet dreams
And funny faces
Saying it all


Quietly as I turn out the light
Just in time for sleep to set in
This heartbeat of mine whispers quietly
Her sleepy voice softer than a squeak

I love you mommy


Birthing poetry and poems
Many thanks to their daily (ness)
I could fill a book with childhood fun
And silly toddler antics
Motherhood birthing strength and creativity in words


Consumed by overwhelming love for these two
Heavenly miracles gratefully mine
I crumble slowly falling apart like a pack of cards
Under the weight of my own words
Tears free falling
Grace my only embrace


My crowning glory
These twins girls so into pink
My heart blushes love


Bless these ones
You so graciously entrust in my care
Love them oh Lord, bestowing grace daily upon them
Be their hearts’ desire, its joyful supplication

Faith, hope, and love always living in them


What Makes A Good Poem?


What makes a good poem?
In your honest opinion

Is it the length
The content or the form
Does language and style matter much?

How about the words and how they flow
Would you rather free verse
Shakespearean sonnets or
Humor with puns and limericks
Haikus, Tanka, and micro poetry
Seem to be taking over these days

Does it matter who wrote the poem
Perhaps good poems are only from a certain stock
(Bukowski’, Poe, and such)

Would you mind if you didn’t get it
Many of the best poems often seeming elusive
Almost out of the mind’s grasp
With hidden meanings and complex words (language)

Do you care for a particular topic
Or does any subject at all do
Does nature have more to offer
Than poems on love and life

Tell me if you can
How deeply are you moved when you read said poem

Does it affect you at all
Leaving a message so impactful
You are dumbfounded
Wishing you could write such
Wondering how they wrote such
The poem becoming a treasured part of you

What makes a good poem?
In your humble opinion

And do tell me
Have you ever read one?

* Have a lovely weekend dear friends. Stay safe and be good to others, and yourself*

Making Way


Image courtesy of http://www.google.com

Slowly falling down
Autumn’s colorful decor
Graces city streets
Yellows reds and oranges
Making way for winter’s white

A Collection Of Short Poems IV



I fought against my desire of you
Wrestling it straight
Into your arms


Serenade these ear lobes
Stream kisses down its canals

Melt every ear wax
With gentle whispered tones


How enticing this month
Called September
My Egyptian god of poetry and form
Gracing me humble
With never ending words


Embroidered delicately
With stitches of lust and love
Laced with a splash of desire
Your name stands written
In this passionate heart of mine
Beating your love to life
Every chance it gets…


The Arrow of God
No Longer At Ease
Things Fall Apart


Sign your love to me
Across this dotted lines…
Beating your name softly
My heart is capable


I don’t mind
Whatever the weather brings
As long as you are mine


African mothers dance
Shaking their rumps hard
To these fast paced drums…
The days of droughts are over
Children roam the streets in glee


Charmingly kind
Making me happy
Asking for nothing but

* The books used in the Book Spine Poetry are all by Chinua Achebe*

Finally Cool- Tanka


It’s pouring outside
As rain falls down from the sky
After weeks of drought
And 100 degree temperatures
Our world is finally cool

Lost Hope- Poetry Prompt Reason2Rhyme


kbnelson’s Poetry Prompt… Monday, July 9, 2012 Reason 2 Rhyme – “2+2=Poem”

Choose a poetry form that involves some kind of number requirement (a 5-7-5 syllable haiku, a Shakespearean sonnet with 14 lines/10 syllables per line, a couplet form with rhymed endings, a quatrain, or any other form where you must take numbers into account). Write on any topic of your choice, but be sure to pause and appreciate – or denigrate – the use of numbers in a poem!

I almost skipped this challenge…but since I am learning new things and trying to be better at this…I am giving this a shot. I encourage you to try this if you like. My take on this is a Tanka, a Japanese form of poetry with 5 lines and syllable counts 5-7-5-7-7. I wrote that like I know what I am talking about…No  I don’t…Thank God for dictionaries :). Poetry experts, please feel free to critique and analyze this(be kind about it). This is my first attempt at this form. Let’s hope it is not my last. Thank you!!! This is LOST HOPE.

On the blue beaches
Of the island Tahiti
I saw my lost love
Arm in arm with another
Hope for a second chance lost

* In other news…I still cannot post comments on your posts and blogs. WP is sending my comments to your spam box…I will keep commenting if I have anything to say…please feel free to check your spam box. I know I made comments on a few posts yesterday and on Saturday, and if anyone knows how I can rectify this, please let me know. Many thanks as always for all love and support. Have a lovely week*